
How to build muscle. fast!

 Muscle-building exercises in a nutshell. 

as a Beginner, you should start with these simple exercises, 

1  free weights
deadlifts, Dumbbells, curls, squats, and bench press 

2 Resistance training 
lunges, pullups, glute bridges, and barbell lunges, 

3 Stationary machine exercises 
chest press, rowing machines, leg press, and triceps extensions 

4 Body weights Exercises 
pull-ups, push-ups, squats, and triceps dips 

5 Cardiovascular exercises  
sprints, high knees, jump rope, cycling, jumping jacks   

The Basics

Once you are in the gym, It is about progressive overload. start with smaller weights and focus on longer reps. Your initial goal should be to build muscle strength and to get your body familiar with workout body movements.
So that you don't get injured.  It will help you get in form for intense workouts later.
Greater time under duress rather than greater resistance when starting off is better for beginners.

Always warm up with simple body movement a little bit of cardio and a warmup set for the exercise you are going for, to avoid injuries.

Keeps the reps slow & under control. It will build muscle better than fast and jerky reps. Take adequate rest in between sets. 

How are muscles build 

When you lift weights or perform resistance exercises, your muscles experience mechanical stress. This stress causes microscopic damage to the muscle fibers, particularly the sarcomeres. The mechanical stress leads to the disruption of muscle fibers, triggering a response from the body to repair and strengthen them. After exercise-induced muscle damage, the body initiates an inflammatory response. This involves the release of cytokines and other inflammatory molecules to the damaged area. Satellite cells, which are a type of stem cell located around muscle fibers, become activated in response to the damage. They play a crucial role in repairing and regenerating muscle tissue. In response to the damage and inflammatory signals, the body increases muscle protein synthesis (MPS). MPS is the process by which new proteins are built to repair and strengthen muscle fibers. 

Proper nutrition, especially adequate protein intake, is essential for muscle building. Amino acids from protein are the building blocks of muscle tissue and are necessary for muscle repair and growth.

Hormones such as testosterone, growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) play crucial roles in muscle building. They promote protein synthesis and inhibit protein breakdown. As the muscle fibers repair and adapt to the stress, they become stronger and larger in size. This process of adaptation is key to muscle growth and strength development. To continue building muscle, it's important to progressively increase the intensity or volume of your workouts over time. This principle, known as progressive overload, ensures that your muscles are continually challenged and stimulated for growth.

Only going to the gym won't cut it. 

Going to the gym is important. But as I have explained it is one part of the muscle-building process. 

Fix your diet. 
Eat clean. Add about 0.75 grams of protein per kg of your weight, or about 60 grams of protein daily. You will have to remove sugar & fast food from your system. Develop a consistent eating habit. ( Eat at similar times each day)

Fix your sleep.
As a young man, you need 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night. Your room should be dark like a cave. And the temperature must be lower than your body temperature. Turn off your mobile phone before you go to bed and place it somewhere you can't reach it. Overstimulation & blue light effect don't let your brain relax, which will cost you a good sleep. Don't drink too much water either.
Fix your mental health. 
Your physical health will be greatly influenced by how healthy your mind is. So chill out. Meditate every morning and maybe journal about the things you are grateful for in your life. It will help you build focus which means a better workout routine and discipline.


In conclusion, you should start with mobility exercises to build muscle strength.  Consistency and endurance are the key here. Focus on longer workout sessions. Remember progressive overload and greater time under stress. It will help build your stamina and help you to avoid injury. Keep going to the gym consistently and keep working hard and you should do just fine.


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