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How to build muscle. fast!

 Muscle-building exercises in a nutshell.  as a Beginner, you should start with these simple exercises,  1  free weights deadlifts, Dumbbells, curls, squats, and bench press  2 Resistance training  lunges, pullups, glute bridges, and barbell lunges,  3 Stationary machine exercises  chest press, rowing machines, leg press, and triceps extensions  4 Body weights Exercises  pull-ups, push-ups, squats, and triceps dips  5 Cardiovascular exercises   sprints, high knees, jump rope, cycling, jumping jacks    The Basics Once you are in the gym, It is about progressive overload. start with smaller weights and focus on lo nger  reps.  Your initial goal should be to build muscle strength and to get your body familiar with workout body movements. So that you don't get injured.   It will help you get in form for intense workouts later. Greater  time under duress rather than greater  resistance when starting off is better for beginners. Always warm up with simple body movement a little bit of

How to get glass skin as a man?

 In a Nutshell, 

1) Try to remain as calm as possible. I will explain in a moment.

2) Fix your diet, Stay away from food with higher sugar levels and fats. Basically greasy foods 

3) Go hit the gym. Get in shape. It will drastically improve how your facial skin looks.

4) Develop a skincare routine. Keep reading I will tell you how. 

5) Clean up the environment around you. Your sheets your towels, your room, your sitting area, and everything you touch.

Let me tell you how to develop a skincare routine. 

Start your skincare routine with three essentials. 

1) Facial cleanser 

Ditch the bar soap. Get a quality hydrating facial cleanser that you can use on a daily basis. Something that isn't super fancy and easy to use. 

2) Moisturizer with SPF 

Get a good moisturizer and make it a daily habit to moisturize in the morning. Get a moisturizer with SPF in it. This way you won't have to apply additional sunblock. Saving you time and money. 

3) Under eye cream. 

Get a good The single most unattractive facial feature, specially for a young guy is dark circles and patches under your eyes. Start using under-eye cream regularly. 

4) Serum 
You need a serum if your skin is super irritated or dry. For 70% of the people, moisturizer should be good enough but for those who have extremely dried-out skin with like irritating pimples and patches, you need a serum.  

5) Retinol  
You need retinol if you have severe acne. The best possible thing would be to go to the doctor but if you can handle it yourself I would recommend retinol. But be careful retinol is a double-edged sword. It has side effects. The best way to use retinol is to take a minimum dose for a longer period for maximum results. 

Stay Calm 
Out of ten teenagers have acne. It is a natural process. But this process is boosted if you are anxious or stressed out. Your body produces cortisol when you are stressed out this cortisol for once lowers your testosterone levels and increases sebum on your face. This sebum blocks your pores causing pimples and irritation.   
So chill out! Just try to be as relaxed as possible. Care about things you can change and don't try to lose your mind over things you can't. Work hard but be cool. 

Eat healthy
You are what you eat. You should fix your diet. Processed food, foods with chemical preservatives have toxins that can really mess up the chemical balance of your body. It makes your body hold more water. Makes your skin look bloated & dull. Eat healthy not just for your skin but because it makes you a healthier person.

Go hit the gym
Go hit the gym, and focus on getting lean. Focus on the CrossFit workout routine. The goal should be to lose fat and build strength and stamina. Once you start losing fat your skin fits your skeleton better. It will look fresh because your body loses excess water and also gets rid of toxins present within your skin. 

Clean up your surroundings
You know you are supposed to clean your sheets every weekend right?
Well, in case you didn't know some of these things can get really dirty and build up bacteria. These bacteria are one of the major reasons for rashes pimples and irritation. So keep your place clean and tidy. Not only because it helps you get glass skin but also because it reflects on your personality. 

You see getting perfect skin isn't just about using a bunch of products and that's it. Actually, it is more like developing healthy habits and removing bad habits from your life. It is a process don't lose heart if you don't see results right away. Keep pushing and you will do just fine. 


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